polaroids of siblings

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Coping with Grief: What to Expect
  3. Agreeing on Last Arrangements: Compromise is Cardinal
  4. Funeral Planning for a Parent
  5. Understanding a Parent's Will and Avails as a Family
  6. Handling Family Property When a Parent Has Passed
  7. Conclusion


There are many factors to consider following a parent's passing — emotionally, legally, and logistically. This guide aims to assist adult children handle the planning of final arrangements and their own emotions with limited to no disharmonize amongst each other.

Losing a parent is often overwhelming. In improver to coping with their grief, the children are often left in charge of planning the funeral as well as handling the various legal details. This tin make an already devastating state of affairs more stressful, and frequently, siblings finish up butting heads throughout the process. Yet, with the right levels of compassion, compromise, and consideration, families can limit the additional pain sometimes brought on by carrying out concluding arrangements.

If you lot've recently lost a parent and have run across conflict with your siblings, or if you merely fear that disharmonize is on the horizon, this guide is for you. Information technology will discuss the many emotions and reactions you and your siblings may be experiencing, and how those emotions may come up into play when it comes to planning services and managing the legalities. Never forget that in improver to being sensitive to the feelings of others, you should also take special care of yourself during this trying time. Brand certain you take someone shut past for support, and don't be agape to consider grief counseling to help you sort out your own emotions.

Coping with Grief: What to Expect

People react to decease in all kinds of ways, and the death of a parent can exist peculiarly volatile. It isn't uncommon for a person to feel a range of emotions in a single day while another remains in daze and disbelief. Everyone is going to feel how they feel, and that'south OK. What'south important is for anybody to respect and accept that in that location volition be differences.

Common reactions to a loss include:

  • Feeling "numb"
  • Denial
  • Low
  • Anger
  • Confusion
  • Guilt

There is no "right way" to grieve. These feelings might popular up in any gild at whatever time, and someone may quickly transition from one intense emotion to another. Some people might feel each and every reaction, and others only i or two. Or none.

Try not to focus on how anyone "should" experience. You lot might think you can speak to your siblings' situations considering you've known them your entire life and are experiencing the same loss — but just equally you had your own special relationship with your parents, then did they, and it leaves endless variables to how they might be feeling. Focus instead on supporting them no matter how they feel, and exist honest about your own emotions. Even if you lot aren't close enough to confide the details, just letting them know where you stand tin can prevent a lot of miscommunication later on.

The loss of a parent can cause physical reactions, likewise, including:

  • Upset stomach
  • Loss of appetite
  • Exhaustion
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Anxiety attacks
  • Aches and pains (including dorsum, chest, and caput)

For some, the grief alone is enough to make them sick. For others, information technology may be a combination of grief and the anxiety over executing the volition, dividing up assets, and/or selling the family home.

Physical Reactions That Tin can Be Caused By The Loss Of A Parent


No matter the exact source, stress can sneak up on a person, so be the one to brand sure everyone stays hydrated and nourished. Gear up the example by drinking enough of h2o and taking the time to consume a meal — even if you aren't particularly hungry. Your fridge is likely well-stocked by loved ones, so gently remind your siblings there'southward plenty to eat.

If anybody is together at the house, ready out plates and some of the food. No one has to eat, but seeing food can wake up an empty stomach. Information technology's common for people to get so defenseless up in a major effect that they overlook their own needs, so make certain you're giving people easy opportunities to take care of themselves.


Advice volition be an important part of your interactions with your siblings, so continue the lines open and be honest. Exist sensitive to how others feel only give them the opportunity to respect how you lot feel, too. For example, your brother may non accept realized yous'd be hurt when he said he was relieved your female parent had finally concluded her battle with cancer. Let him know you're not ready to see information technology that way yet, and inquire that he be mindful of how he talks about it around y'all.

A knee-wiggle reaction is understandable, simply try to suspension before responding to a situation that upsets you. You're admittedly allowed to feel whatsoever yous feel, but information technology's likely that no harm was intended, and then try to hold your tongue until you've had some fourth dimension to process.

If you exercise speak out in the oestrus of the moment, forgive yourself. Notice an opportunity subsequently on to apologize to your sibling, and permit them know y'all're feeling overwhelmed. They'll likely understand, and yous can both move by the incident.


Agreeing on Final Arrangements: Compromise is Key

One of the first questions yous'll have to deal with is the kind of burial your parent requested. He or she may take stated their wishes in their will, or you may take discussed the topic prior to their passing. Even if they were prepared for information technology, your brothers or sisters may exist uncomfortable about whichever burial process your parent requested. Perhaps even you have your reservations. Remember, though, that your parent put a smashing bargain of thought into how they'd leave the world, and then it's crucial that yous respect their wishes.

If your parent left no articulate direction on how they desire their remains to be handled — nor a spouse to give you insight — discuss the topic with your siblings privately. Avoid bringing in spouses or non-firsthand family unit. What do each of you think your parent would have wanted?

Had any of you ever spoken — fifty-fifty hypothetically — almost the topic with him or her? If no ane is certain, consider what route the family has traditionally taken. If the family unit has e'er done cremations in the past and each sibling is comfy with it, for example, y'all might be able to piece of work with someone familiar and sensitive to your family's state of affairs.

Before finalizing any details, be certain that all concerns from each sibling have been addressed and respected. Don't hammer the issue, merely let everyone know that you lot desire to be certain that no ane will be upset moving forward. It's an extremely personal decision, and not everyone will be eager to share their emotions on the topic.

If whatever additional issues practise arise, hear out your sibling and practise your best to understand. If possible, take the dark to sleep on it and see where everybody stands in the morning. Do your all-time to brand sure everyone has input, and that no one will face up trauma over the burial too as the loss itself.

Funeral Planning for a Parent

Beginning, comprehend the fact that memorial services can exist any mode you desire — and at that place doesn't take to be only i. If i sibling wants a traditional viewing service merely another would rather have a celebration of life at the parent's favorite restaurant, do both. Plan around each other so nobody has to cull between services and invite loved ones to say goodbye in whichever way they similar, or both.


Come up upwardly with a plan that everyone contributes to. Compromise where you're willing, but stand up up for what matters to you. (If the flowers seem to mean a lot more to your sister and you'd rather focus on the scrapbook anyway, take the win.)

Carve up upwards responsibilities evenly, but don't take on more than than y'all can handle. Trust in your siblings to go things done, just check in to encounter how everything is going and if they could use some help. If they become defensive, let them know you lot're only hoping to lighten their load. And, of form, don't forget to inquire for aid, likewise!

If one sibling seems to exist taking a backseat to planning, proceed in mind that he or she may still be struggling to grasp the state of affairs and thus seem disinterested. Consistently enquire for their input and don't exclude them from any major decision. See if they'd be interested in i big project — like writing the obituary and reaching out to local newspapers — or if they'd prefer to work alongside someone else. Just because they're quiet doesn't mean they want to be alone, so requite the option but don't force them into solitude.

Just as there doesn't have to be one service, in that location doesn't have to be a single eulogy, either; each sibling should accept the opportunity to speak if they wish. Endeavor non to get too caught up in the idea of who goes kickoff or speaks the longest. If ane sibling has thoughts to express but doesn't feel comfortable to stand up up, offering to read on his or her behalf. And don't be put off if anyone opts out of both options — they may just lack the composure given the circumstances or even the words to express themselves. Regardless, information technology is upwardly to them how to grieve.

Understanding a Parent's Will and Assets as a Family

Whether or not y'all're prepared for exactly what information technology says, the will is often a source of conflict following the decease of a parent. Keep in mind that your female parent or male parent likely didn't make any decisions lightly, so try to consider what the reasoning could exist before growing also upset. Mayhap it only looks similar your sibling got a bigger share, but you've forgotten virtually the car down payment your parent helped you lot with several years ago. Yous might even get further down the will and realize you were left a valuable possession in lieu of a larger inheritance. Refrain from making judgments either way until you've heard all the details.


Inheritance is a sensitive event, and it often aggravates underlying resentment among siblings. Disputes over who the "golden child" is (and "always has been") can make the contents of a will seem skewed, fifty-fifty if the parent genuinely believed they were acting fairly. Further, it's often non the high-value items that crusade problems; instead, sibling fights normally revolve around sentimental possessions. Whether one child expected an particular to exist left to them instead of who it was passed downwards to, or no specific directions were left about the particular and every sibling wants it, there are constant opportunities for argue.

Exercise your best to respect the contents of the will as-is. If you're absolutely convinced that something is beveled, take conscientious consideration before pursuing legal action. These kinds of disputes can stretch on for years and have detrimental consequences to the entire family unit. If you practice take things to court, don't lose sight of the fact that y'all're dealing with family. Avoid major arguments that could lead to words you'll forever regret, and stick to whatever the approximate decides.

When it comes to dividing remaining personal assets, look for every opportunity to compromise. If yous and your sister have both always loved your female parent'due south pearl brooch, for instance, consider sharing it. If you lot live close, y'all can simply trade it off as occasions ascend.

Faraway siblings can use holidays and vacations to lend custody every few months. If you're worried a brother or sister might sell an item without your consent, draft and sign a legal document specifying the terms of your agreement. Remind anyone who gets defensive that the document protects all of you lot, and is the just way to keep information technology fair and impartial.

If in that location are multiple large-scale possessions to divide up, consider consulting a lawyer who can give you lot unbiased, accurate input from the very start. It certainly helps continue things fair to have a neutral 3rd political party, but do be song when something is important to y'all. Hear out the concerns of your siblings, as well, and see if the lawyer can assist negotiate a compromise as needed.


Tip: If there are multiple large-scale possessions to carve up upward, consider consulting a lawyer. It certainly helps keep things fair to have a neutral third party oversee the process.

Handling Family unit Holding When a Parent Has Passed

Selling the family dwelling house is a heartbreaking idea no matter your age, and it certainly isn't fabricated easier when brought on past the decease of a parent. If there are no specific instructions, you lot and your siblings should consult with a lawyer about options. Much of the controlling may depend on everyone's proximity to the home — if 1 sibling lives close and will be dealing with most of the paperwork and arrangements, they may asking a larger piece of the auction profits for their troubles, for example.


You lot may find that your brothers or sisters aren't ready to sell the home right away, and so don't rush into it. You tin can outset the cleaning and inspection process without actually having to put it on the marketplace, then be strategic merely sensitive. Don't make whatsoever major changes — like re-painting or re-carpeting — without everyone's consent and sensation.

At the other stop, if you find that you are having trouble with the thought of selling the family unit home, speak up. Your siblings will likely respect that you need some time to adjust to and so many major changes and, who knows, might fifty-fifty exist relieved you lot said something first. If they aren't so understanding, merely enquire them to respect your feelings and hold off on trying to sell for at least a calendar month or and so. Explain what a major loss this is to you, and in the darkness of your parent's passing, it'southward too much to bargain with all at once.

Pity and honesty volition be your most valuable assets throughout the process of laying your parent to balance, especially when it comes to your siblings. If things get particularly emotional, consider going to family grief counseling for professional assistance in sorting things out. Remember that healing will take time for everyone, and that even if hurtful words were traded at the funeral, you can always repair and rebuild with your siblings.



The expiry of a parent volition bring on a rollercoaster of emotions for everyone, so know what to expect and respect how each of your siblings are feeling. Wait out for one another, and don't forget to take care of yourself. When it comes to the legal and planning aspects, be respectful of your parent's wishes.

Effort not to let the physical and budgetary issues escalate because of heightened emotions — show your siblings compassion and exist honest near your own feelings. Take each step of the procedure solar day by day, and lean on each other for support. With time and grace, the sun will interruption through your clouds of despair, and together you'll be able to move forward and honour your parent's memory.


The Neptune Society is the nation's oldest and largest provider of affordable cremation services. Whether you lot have an immediate need or want to programme cremation services in accelerate, nosotros are always available to assist you lot and your family.

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