Thrones of Miscellania Who Are You Again

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Throne of Miscellania (#64)
Throne of Miscellania.png
Released 29 November 2004 (Update)
Members Yes
Quest series Miscellania
Official difficulty Experienced
Lead programmer(south) Chris S, Jonathan S

Throne of Miscellania is a quest about the Fremennik island Miscellania. The king, Vargas, has unfortunately go a yeti, thus making him require a regent to rule his kingdom while he is unable to.

Details [edit | edit source]

Walkthrough [edit | edit source]

Take the longboat from Rellekka to Miscellania (largest ane, same sailor from Fremennik Trials) or use the fairy ring code c i p (if Fairytale Ii - Cure a Queen has been started) to make it northward of the castle. If y'all don't accept flowers notwithstanding, yous can purchase them from the Flower Daughter in the castle courtyard. If you need or forget anything, the bank in Etceteria is available for use.

Speak to King Vargas located upstairs in the castle (southwest) to begin the quest. He will concord to let you lot exist ruler of the kingdom if you can marry either his daughter or son, make peace with Etceteria, and proceeds the support of the population.

Marrying [edit | edit source]

Note: Be sure to use the items mentioned below on the [Princess/Prince] and practise the emotes or [she/he] volition continue to repeat "Good day".

Alarm: Changing your gender twice at the Make-over mage (east.g. Female person to male and back to female) prior to giving the prince or princess a ring, you will take to redo that section. If yous accept given them the band, they will speak to you as if you are not engaged but information technology does non matter.

Princess Astrid (if male) [edit | edit source]

Impressing Princess Astrid with a dance.

Enter Princess Astrid's room, which is n of the throne room, and speak with the Princess of Miscellania. Start to tell her nigh your desire to get regent. She interrupts you to say she has many suitors. She will, however, requite yous a chance to impress her.

Speak to the princess a few times, and hold with whatever she says. And then, use the flowers on her. You can buy mixed flowers for 15 coins from the Flower Daughter in the marketplace just outside the building from where the king presides. Now, use the Dance emote in her room.

Speak to her a few more times, responding with agreeable answers. Once she has nothing left for you to agree with, use a bow (No Comp Bows, Or Magic Bows) (the weapon, non the emote) on her.

Over again, speak to her a few more than times. When she calls y'all "dear" and you call her "darling", select the Accident Kiss emote. Employ the Accident Kiss emote on her earlier you give her the ring .

Once she has nothing left for you lot to agree with, utilize the band on her. She finally agrees to marry you. She says you ii will have to put off the actual ceremony until you tin can notice a priest, but you can tell her father of the marriage.

Prince Brand (if female) [edit | edit source]

Enter Prince Brand's room, which is s of the throne room, and speak with the Prince of Miscellania. Start to tell him almost your goal of becoming ruler of the kingdom. He interrupts you and asks why he would be interested in a "crass adventurer like yourself?" He volition, however, give you lot a chance to impress him.

Proceed to talk with the prince, selecting the most flattering answers, until he asks if you would like to hear his poem. Tell him, of course, you would beloved to. Afterward he recites his verse form, select "Be notwithstanding, my center" and use the Clap or Cheer emote (Must be standing inside the room, and not the doorway for both emotes). He thanks you. Use your flowers on him to continue the dialogue. When he asks if they are for him, say, "Yep".

Go along to talk with the prince (he will inquire you your proper noun), providing him with flattering answers, until he asks if you would like to hear his saga. You wonder if y'all have the time to hear a whole saga, but he launches into it anyway. Continue to flatter and talk with the prince, give him the cake or chocolate cake, and tell him information technology is for him (be careful not to eat it).

When he calls you "my darling", select the Blow Kiss emote and use the band on him. If he says he could not maybe accept the ring, proceed talking to and flattering him. Eventually, after you accident him a osculation and utilise the ring on him, he says, "Is this for me? Really?". Say "Aye".

You ask the prince to marry you, and he says "Yes!" He says that you two love birds will have to put off the actual ceremony until yous can find a priest but yous can tell his father he has agreed to ally you.

Peace deal [edit | edit source]

Talk with Counselor Ghrim, who is off to the side backside the rex, and ask him how to make peace with Etceteria. He tells you to talk with Queen Sigrid of Etceteria. Head east, cross the bridge over into Etceteria, enter the large edifice in the east side of town, go upstairs, and enter the centre room, where you lot volition find Queen Sigrid.

Speak to Queen Sigrid. After you tell her y'all accept been sent by Rex Vargas to negotiate a treaty, she says she will agree to a peace deal if King Vargas will accept Etceteria officially as a sovereign nation. Render to Vargas, and tell him what the queen said. He says he will recognise her country if she changes Etceteria's national anthem.

Audio options icon.png

Awful anthem

The awful canticle'due south music, which plays when obtaining the lyric sheet from Prince Brand.

Sigrid singing the electric current version of the Etceterian anthem.

Dash back to Queen Sigrid, and speak with her. Although she, at first, says it is a slap-up anthem and that she composed information technology herself, she eventually agrees but requests that yous come with a new canticle. Render to Miscellania, enter the room to the due south of King Vargas's throne room, and speak to Prince Make. You tell him you need a new anthem, and he agrees to write you i immediately. It is, however, terrible. He gives you the awful anthem.

Enter the throne room next door, and talk to Advisor Ghrim about the canticle. You give the counselor the awful anthem, and he makes a few adjustments, turning it into a good anthem. Return to Queen Sigrid, and tell her y'all take a new anthem. She is pleased with her new anthem and hands you a treaty - which she has already signed - to be signed by King Vargas.

Take the treaty back to King Vargas, and tell him it is awaiting his signature. He says he cannot sign it with an ordinary pen. He needs a pen large plenty for him to concord. Head to the northern shore of Miscellania, to the east of the mining icon, where you will notice Derrik. He is in the house with the anvil. Talk to Derrik, and tell him you accept a strange request. He says he can make a giant nib if yous have an iron bar.

Give him your iron bar, and he gives you the giant nib. Use the nib on logs, and you end up with a giant pen. There are a few evergreens around the islands, so yous don't need to go to the mainland if you have not brought logs. Take the giant pen to King Vargas, who then signs the treaty, bringing an end to the rivalry betwixt the ii kingdoms.

Public support [edit | edit source]

Notation: The stop time of the Throne of Miscellania quest determines the time at which your Kingdom will lose favour, take coin from the coffer and produce resources. Consider finishing the quest at a time which is convenient for this.

Afterward the treaty, you must get the back up of the people in club to be the new ruler. You volition need the support of 75% of Miscellania to finish the quest. You lot will commencement off with 25% (you volition first with less if y'all killed any of the villagers or stole from the stalls) and you gain 0.33% with each action you practice.

You tin check your approval rating by speaking with Advisor Ghrim. You won't exist able to check your progress with the local laborers until you finish the quest - they will inquire, "Who are yous?"

If your aim is 100% approval rating, you can keep working until the person receiving the items stops you lot. (Your chat box also tells you that you've completed a hard task for your Fremennik accomplishment diaries.)

Good means to get support [edit | edit source]

  • Rake the herbs and flax outside the palace walls.
  • Mine coal on the north side of Miscellania.
  • Chop maple copse in the heart of Miscellania.
  • Fish tuna, lobsters, or swordfish by the docks of Miscellania (Barehanded fishing works).

Ways to lose it [edit | edit source]

  • Kill villagers.
  • Steal from stalls.

Talk to Advisor Ghrim to keep track of how much back up you have. After yous take 75% of the public back up, talk to King Vargas and congratulations! Yous have completed the Throne of Miscellania!

Rewards [edit | edit source]

Throne of Miscellania reward scroll.png

  • 1 Quest points Quest point
  • Management of Miscellania
  • 10,000 coins (inside the Miscellania coffers)
  • The ability to teleport to Miscellania using a band of wealth

Required for completing [edit | edit source]

Completion of Throne of Miscellania is required for the following:

  • Royal Trouble
  • Fremennik Hard Diary

Changes [edit | edit source]

Date Changes
xv January 2015

Advisor Ghrim's proper noun is no longer displayed incorrectly during the final conversation of Throne of Miscellania.

Trivia [edit | edit source]

  • The examine text for the lumberjack on Miscellania is "He'southward a lumberjack and he's okay." This is a reference to Monty Python's Flight Circus .
  • During the courtship process, the Princess will say something bellicose if the role player gives an reply she does not like, to which the thespian may respond with "Well excuse me, Princess.", which is a direct reference to a famous line from the The Legend of Zelda blithe series.
  • If you try to feed the prince a stone block, he politely declines.
  • Princess Astrid does not have Trollweiss.
  • Both Prince and Princess react to multiple emotes.

See as well [edit | edit source]

  • Managing Miscellania


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